God created people for relationship – both with Him and with others. That’s why IMPACT Church places emphasis on growing in our relationship with God and finding a community of people within the church to grow and “do life” with. Your journey begins with your first visit to IMPACT Church, and you get to choose the pace.
On your first visit to IMPACT Church, you’ll be invited to a Party on the Porch right after the gathering. It’s just a casual 5 minutes to say “hello” over an old-fashioned ice-cold soda. We’ve got juice boxes for the kids too so pick up your kids, and enjoy these fun 5 minutes to meet some of the leadership team.
NEW CONNECTIONS - This group is designed for adults, both new to IMPACT Church and those looking to build deeper connections outside of Sunday mornings. Pastor Mike and Beka would love for you to join this 5-week small group so they can get to know you better. Evenings will include snacks, conversation and prayer. This group will meet during each semester of IMPACT Groups. Child care will be provided as needed.
COME OUT TO AN IMPACT EVENT - Coming to a church-wide event at IMPACT is a great way to start meeting people and getting connected. We have several events throughout the year that repeat including summer cookouts, church family meals, youth group every other Friday, men’s breakfasts every month, and ladies’ nights every other month. Make sure to click below to see our upcoming events page!
IMPACT Groups are small groups of people getting together to study the Bible and walk with each
other through life’s joyful moments and hard challenges. You can join a group at any point in your
journey at IMPACT Church. Our IMPACT Groups have three semesters throughout the year; Spring, Fall, and Winter and they take a break for Summer.
GET PLUGGED IN TO SERVE - Once you have gotten to the point where you feel like you have made connections and are excited about what we’re doing at IMPACT, your next step could be to serve and make an impact with us. We have a lot of areas in which you could get plugged in. Click below to take your S.H.A.P.E. test, (a free online assessment, to see how God has gifted you to serve in an area where you will thrive and find fulfillment), or see the teams on which you could serve.