The Rich Life

There’s a family right across the street with a big beautiful house, the latest vehicle models, a son, a daughter, a newborn on the way, and a perfectly behaved golden retriever named Scout. Both of them have established careers and you recently heard of their guaranteed promotions coming next month. To top it all off, their beautiful home sits behind a white picket fence with perfectly groomed, green grass and a picture-worthy maple tree with a tire swing hanging on the stout branches. We all have compared ourselves, coveted, and even strived to become like the infamous Jones’ in our neighborhood. But when did we last stop and look back at just how blessed we are? Or perhaps, stopped to think about what real biblical riches actually look like? Come and discover The Rich Life that God has in store for you.

February 13, 2022 - 2 Corinthians 9:1-15

by Pastor Mike Bailey

February 6, 2022 - Luke 16: 1-15

by Pastor Mike Bailey

January 30, 2022 - Genesis 22:1-18

by Pastor Mike Bailey


Characters of Christmas


A Walk Through the Bible