Lisa Blank

IMPACT Kids Director

Design Team Lead

Lisa has been attending IMPACT Church since the fall of 2021. In addition to her role as the IMPACT Kids Director, she serves on the prayer team, design team, and hospitality team. 

She graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2006 with a degree in elementary education. She taught elementary school for several years but currently manages a chicken barbecue stand at a farmers’ market in Wayne, PA. 

Lisa enjoys time spent with friends, traveling, and doing things outdoors, especially if there is water or a sunrise involved. She also loves a cozy blanket, a cup of tea, and a good book.

She loves that IMPACT Church is a place where people and relationships are a priority and that the hope of the gospel is clearly shared often. Her aim is that every child who comes through the doors would know they are special and dearly loved by God.