Gatherings every Sunday at 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.

Upcoming Events

New Teaching Series: Don’t Be a


Now through April 6

In the story of Balaam, we see the tension between following selfish desires and living in obedience to God – a tension we still feel today in our own lives. There never seems to be a shortage of different opinions on where we should go, what we should do, and how we should live. Amidst all these competing voices, are we tuned in to how God is calling us to live? In the end, it’s up to each of us to decide who we will follow. Who do you choose?

Men’s Breakfast

Saturday, February 22

Join the men on Saturday, February 22 at 8 a.m. right here at IMPACT Church for a men’s breakfast.  Food will be provided, just be sure to bring your Bible for a short devotional.  Invite a friend and enjoy a wonderful time of getting to know other like-minded men in the church. Sign up here.

Evangelism Training

Sunday, March 2

Following the 10:30 a.m. gathering on Sunday, March 2 we will enjoy a quick lunch and then dive into our Evangelism Training Event. This meeting will cover the basics of personal evangelism, the importance of leading children to Christ and raising them up in his love, and tips on evangelizing in the workplace. This afternoon session will teach you to navigate through common challenges and obstacles while preparing you to take the first steps in empowering your own evangelism. Sign up at the Connect Desk to RSVP for lunch and childcare.